Anatomy of A Research Report:

Structuring and Phrasing Scientific Communications

The purpose of Anatomy of a Research Report (ARR) is to free presenters, writers, and their advisors. Utilized by students, Anatomy of a Research Report guides clear, coherent, authoritative oral and written presenta­tions such as progress reports, research plans, posters, communications, articles, literature reviews, lectures, job talks, proposals, fellowship applications, dissertations, fund­raising pitches, outreach classes, Science Slam gigs, letters of recommendation, newspaper columns, and radio shows.

For advisors, Anatomy of a Research Report organizes introduction to a research project for incoming students, and, for more advanced group members, provides signposts pointing a way through presentations ahead. Similarly, students may use ARR to steer though commentary on each others' research reports before these reports reach the advisor, as of course may advisors use Anatomy of a Research Report as a corrective checklist to student products.

Scientists must feel, and carry with them, a sense of security about communicating their work to one another and to the public. Anatomy of a Research Report affirms, clarifies, and consolidates the conventions of this communication, thereby creating space for aspirations to, and the promise of, products beyond them.

Littera Scripta Manet The Written Word Abides


Introduction Terminology


Methods Terminology


Results Terminology


Discussion Terminology